Analyzing the Impact of Doubling to a 20kW Off-Grid Solar System in Ballarat Homes

Ballarat, nestled in the heart of Victoria, has embraced the 10kW off-grid solar system as its gold standard. This setup aligns perfectly with the average Aussie household’s energy consumption of 16-20kWh per day. In the chilly Ballarat winter, a 10kW system, with each kW generating roughly 2kWh of electricity, hits the mark by producing the required 20kWh daily.

But what if we doubled the capacity to a 20kW system? Let’s delve into the potential implications of this upgrade for Ballarat homes.

Enhanced Energy Production

By doubling the system size, a 20kW setup could generate around 40kWh of electricity per day in winter. This surplus energy can be stored or used to power additional household needs, providing a comfortable buffer for days with lower sunlight.

Inverter Considerations

While a 10kW inverter remains a suitable solution for the basic energy needs of a household, upgrading to a 16-20kW inverter is advisable for those looking to charge an electric car. This increase ensures that there are extra kilowatts available for charging, without compromising the household’s energy supply.

Expanded Battery Storage

To fully leverage the increased energy production, a larger battery bank is essential. A 20kWh battery bank would provide ample storage, ensuring that excess energy is not wasted and providing a reliable power reserve for longer periods of low sunlight.

Charging Electric Vehicles

One of the standout benefits of a 20kW system is the ability to charge an electric vehicle. With the surplus power generated, especially in summer and on sunny winter days, homeowners can comfortably charge their electric cars, further enhancing their energy independence.

For Ballarat homes considering an upgrade from a 10kW to a 20kW off-grid solar system, the potential for increased energy production and the added convenience of electric vehicle charging makes it an attractive option.